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Criminal Networks Exploit Emigration And Transit Countries For Illicit Activities

Criminal Networks Exploit Emigration and Transit Countries for Illicit Activities

WEB Balkans: Fake Companies Used for Illegal Gains

Balkan crime gangs have been exploiting the emigration of their citizens to set up fictitious companies in various countries, primarily to launder money and engage in other illicit activities, investigations have revealed.

WEB Czech Republic: Hub for Arms Trafficking

WEB Czech Republic: Hub for Arms Trafficking

The Czech Republic has emerged as a significant source and transit point for arms trafficking in Europe, facilitating the illegal movement of weapons to conflict-ridden regions and fueling global instability.

WEB Serbia: Investigative Journalism Exposes Underworld

WEB Serbia: Investigative Journalism Exposes Underworld

In Serbia, investigative journalists Holcová and Stevan Dojcinovic of the Crime and Corruption Reporting Network have played a pivotal role in uncovering the activities of criminal networks operating within the country's borders and beyond.

**Conclusion** The transnational nature of criminal organizations poses a grave threat to global security and stability. By exploiting vulnerable populations and exploiting the weaknesses of transit countries, these gangs launder illicit funds, smuggle weapons, and undermine the rule of law. The investigations highlighted in this article underscore the urgency of international cooperation to combat these transnational threats and safeguard the integrity of our societies.
